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Student Leadership

Whether in elementary or high school, students who serve in student government develop qualities and skills that will serve them throughout their education and career. 

Members of Student Council and the Associated Student Body are elected by their peers to lead and represent students while supporting their school’s mission. They promote student ideas and opinions, advocate for student needs, and coordinate various extracurricular activities. 

Responsibilities typically include leading assemblies and daily prayer, organizing student dances and fundraisers, and helping to execute important school events, such as Open House and liturgical celebrations. Their activities are student-managed with oversight provided by faculty mentors.

These experiences not only encourage a collaborative approach to problem-solving and event-planning, they facilitate social connection and healthy friendships among students in leadership positions.

High school students speaking at a podium
Student presenting a topic to the teacher and class

Student leadership opportunities teach responsibility, accountability, project management, self-discipline, democratic procedures, and more.

Please visit an individual school’s website for more information about student leadership opportunities offered on their campus.